Kategorie-Archive: Studien
Studien rund um Hanfsamen Öl, vor allem englischsprachig.
Ultrasound induced green solvent extraction of oil from oleaginous seeds.
Ultrasound induced green solvent extraction of oil from oleaginous seeds. Ultrason Sonochem. 2016 Jul;31:319-29 Authors: Sicaire AG, Vian MA, Fine F, Carré P, Tostain S, Chemat F Abstract Ultrasound-assisted extraction of rapeseed oil was investigated and compared with conventional extraction for energy efficiency, throughput time, extraction yield, cleanness, processing cost and product quality. A multivariate […]
Mehr darüber Erfahren..Polyphenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Cold-Pressed Seed Oil from Finola Cultivar of Cannabis sativa L.
Polyphenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Cold-Pressed Seed Oil from Finola Cultivar of Cannabis sativa L. Polyphenolische Komponenten und antioxidative Aktivität von kalt-gepresstem Samenöl der Sorte „Finola“ von Cannabis sativa L. Phytother Res. 2016 Apr 14; Authoren: Smeriglio A, Galati EM, Monforte MT, Lanuzza F, D’Angelo V, Circosta C Abstract The aim of this study […]
Mehr darüber Erfahren..Fatty Acids Composition of Vegetable Oils and Its Contribution to Dietary Energy Intake and Dependence of Cardiovascular Mortality on Dietary Intake of Fatty Acids.
Fatty Acids Composition of Vegetable Oils and Its Contribution to Dietary Energy Intake and Dependence of Cardiovascular Mortality on Dietary Intake of Fatty Acids. Fettsäurenzusammensetzung von Pflanzenölen und ihr Beitrag zur Energieaufnahme beim Essen und Abhängigkeit von kardiovaskulärer Mortalität bei der Nahrungsaufnahme von Fettsäuren. Int J Mol Sci. 2015;16(6):12871-90 Authors: Orsavova J, Misurcova L, Ambrozova […]
Mehr darüber Erfahren..Effect-directed analysis of cold-pressed hemp, flax and canola seed oils by planar chromatography linked with (bio)assays and mass spectrometry.
Effect-directed analysis of cold-pressed hemp, flax and canola seed oils by planar chromatography linked with (bio)assays and mass spectrometry. Food Chem. 2015 Nov 15;187:460-8 Authors: Teh SS, Morlock GE AbstractCold-pressed hemp, flax and canola seed oils are healthy oils for human consumption as these are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and bioactive phytochemicals. However, bioactive […]
Mehr darüber Erfahren..Alteration of delta-6-desaturase (FADS2), secretory phospholipase-A2 (sPLA2) enzymes by Hot-nature diet with co-supplemented hemp seed, evening primrose oils intervention in multiple sclerosis patients.
n Related Articles n Alteration of delta-6-desaturase (FADS2), secretory phospholipase-A2 (sPLA2) enzymes by Hot-nature diet with co-supplemented hemp seed, evening primrose oils intervention in multiple sclerosis patients. n Complement Ther Med. 2015 Oct;23(5):652-7 n Authors: Rezapour-Firouzi S, Arefhosseini SR, Ebrahimi-Mamaghani M, Baradaran B, Sadeghihokmabad E, Mostafaei S, Torbati M, Chehreh M n Abstractn BACKGROUND: The […]
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